Ignite 2019 – Thoughts and Announcements Part 3
Data forms the bedrock of your business and is one of the most important assets you have. From securely exporting and sharing files with customers and colleagues to analysing your Big Data using Machine Learning.
Instant On IT attended Ignite in Orlando last week and are excited to share Microsoft’s announcements and developments around how we can deliver data transformation to our customers.

Azure Arc is a new service that will allow organisations to manage and deliver servers and resources in their own private cloud, Amazon AWS and Google Cloud. Extending the reach of Azure into the on-premise, hybrid- and multi-cloud locations brings existing security and policy controls of your IT services into one single location. Arc makes workloads and the underlying data transportable from cloud to cloud and even into your own server room environment when absolutely necessary!
At Ignite this year Microsoft showcased the Azure Data Share, which was announced for General Availability a few weeks ago. Azure Data Share provides the capability to share and refresh information with 3rd party businesses in a modern and secure fashion. Unreliable and untrustworthy solutions such as email, FTP, DropBox and expensive 3rd party products we’ve been forced to use in the past do not provide accountability and control of data once it has left your organisation, and often come with a high maintenance overhead.
Azure Data Share allows you to keep track of who data has been shared with, see how frequently data is updated for your customers, and automatically update shared data on a schedule.
We integrate Azure Data Share into data pipelines for our customers’ systems, transforming on-premise SQL reports and CSV file exports for example and delivering results securely to the receiving party. All this is done without any additional servers and no software licensing costs, at the scale of the cloud.